New Papers
/Congratulations to Sebastian Ahnert, Joe Marsh and co-authors on their paper "Principles of assembly reveal a periodic table of protein complexes", which is published in Science! Here is the EBI news item and a press article!
Congratulations to Sebastian Ahnert, Joe Marsh and co-authors on their paper "Principles of assembly reveal a periodic table of protein complexes", which is published in Science! Here is the EBI news item and a press article!
Congratulations Xiuwei! This is such wonderful news that Xiuwei's baby boy has arrived, we are all really excited!
Sarah was interviewed by Cell Press CrossTalk. See here for details!
Sarah was interviewed by a bioinformatics blog. See here for details!
After 10 years, there was a reunion of the 2005 LMB corner office in Santa Barbara, with Sarah and former group members (now both group leaders) Jose Leal and Emmanuel Levy!
Sarah was invited for an interview with Science Careers. See here for details!
Sarah was elected to The Academy of Medical Sciences! Congratulations Sarah!
Mike got his 2nd T cell papers within 18 months accepted by PLoS Genetics! Each paper was rewarded with a white blood cell plushie :)
Sarah and Valentine ran the 10k at Wimpole on the 17th! Bravo!
Happy birthday to Sarah! It's a special birthday this year :) Thanks Ola for making the wonderful cake!
Congratulations to Xiuwei --- she received the Simons-Berkeley Research Fellowship to spend the Spring semester of 2016 at Berkeley, and she won a poster award from the GRC Stochastic Physics in BiologyMeeting!
Sarah was interviewed for the European Life Sciences magazine, Labtimes.
Find full details here
TCB reunion party of Teichmann/Chothia/Babu groups at Cyrus' house.
Our group has moved to the Wellcome Trust Genome Campus in Hinxton.
Be Bold. Be Brilliant. Be Kind.